If your child is not potty trained, we require they wear a swim diaper. We recommend children wear goggles to protect their eyes and enable them to see underwater. You should also bring a towel and sunscreen.
Classes run year-round. Because classes are ongoing and since we teach children at the point of their need, you can start swim lessons at any time of the month during the year. We do require an email before the 1st of the month you wish to withdraw from when withdrawing from lessons.
Registration is done online through our website on the Swim Class Schedule page. Just click Register for the class you would like to enroll in. Classes start the week you enroll unless noted of a later start date. Payment reserves your space in the class. Tuition is paid at the time of registration for all future classes in the month and again at the beginning of every month for all classes in that month. If you join after the 1st, tuition is prorated based on the remaining classes in the month. Accounts can be set up to accept all major credit cards and debit cards with Visa and Master card logos. Payment is based on the number of classes in the month, not the students' attendance in classes. There are usually 4 classes in a month, but sometimes there are 5, depending on the day and month. If a month has a recognized holiday that your class falls on, you will not be billed for that day if we do not offer class. Please ensure you are ready to start lessons when you register as we do not allow registration into a class without immediate payment.
We need to be informed by email of your decision to withdraw from lessons before the 1st of the month you wish to withdraw from.
Once you are enrolled in a class you remain enrolled until you notify Shipman Swim School of your desire to withdraw. Email confirmation from Shipman Swim School completes the withdrawal process. Once a month has been billed and since we do not offer refunds, be sure to email in advance of your next month's billing cycle that you wish to withdraw from to ensure the withdrawal process is completed.
Some children may cry during the first few lessons. This is normal. Our instructors are trained to be both compassionate and affirming. In an instance where your child may not want to get their face wet or is naturally anxious about learning something new, we use proven techniques designed to acclimate students to unfamiliar surroundings and instruction. Time and continuity are on our side!
For our outdoor location we offer lessons rain or shine. In rare instances we will cancel lessons due to thunderstorms or hard rain. Always expect to come to lessons irrespective of the weather unless you have received an email or phone call from us stating otherwise. If we do cancel a lesson due to rain, it will always be later than sooner due to the changing nature of the weather and the inaccuracy of weather forecasts.
Makeups are allowed due to a missed class if you have submitted a makeup form at least 24 hours in advance of your absence. We understand children get sick, and life happens, but we are not able to offer makeup lessons for a missed class outside of our Makeup Policy.
If we do not receive a Makeup Form submission at least 24 hours in advance of the missed class, a makeup for that absence will be forfeited. Emailing, texting, calling right before a class without 24 hours' notice does not give us enough time to fill your absence with a student who needs a makeup. Makeups are offered based on openings in the swim schedule, which can be found and scheduled on our Swim Class Schedule page. Makeups cannot be “banked” or saved and must be taken or forfeited within 1 week of the missed class. We do not allow makeups for a missed makeup class.
We do not reduce payment for any month based on future or previous absences; this is why we offer makeup lessons.
Learning to swim is a process. Much of your child’s success will depend on their age, ability and willingness to follow instructions as well as their skill level. Setting realistic goals and expectations from the onset will provide a platform for your child to excel.
It is impossible to know how long it might take a student to learn how to swim if we have not worked with them in swim lessons.
Swimming anywhere, at any time by anyone, carries inherent risks. Your child will receive swim lessons in a safe, controlled environment. By signing a consent form, you acknowledge you are aware of swimming’s inherent risks and agree to allow your child to participate in our swim program and will adhere to our policies. Please read each segment before checking the box and acknowledging your understanding of and agreement to our policies.